Why Cant Babies Wear Gloves Why Can Women Have The Right To Opt Out Of Parenthood But Men Dont ? A Little Unfair Dont You Think ?

Why can women have the right to opt out of parenthood but men dont ? A little unfair dont you think ? - why cant babies wear gloves

Is it fair to give the courts, the people have no laws on the education of a child, such as women (the child to leave the fire station, abortion, adoption and more). Men (mostly) and the lives of women are poor because of an accident and that the court divide between the sexes (for men) laws for women. Use protection for the children, the men's condoms, women take birth control, women are men certainly of British Columbia. So all the ladies who are responsible, if a man has sex w / you w / out a condom. If you do not let the injury is no excuse for the guy, because they use condoms, but you are the guardian of the situation, already no luv glove. Apperently couples obey this rule, and more important. I know the men of paternity illigally exhausted (what other choice for an unwanted pregnancy if they do not AffoRD paying CS) and that's a shame that women who choose to leave legally, why no one has the right to withdraw? What do you think? Do not want to beat around the bush people.I that the honest opinion please UNBI


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