Bicycle Carrier Anyone Bought This Bicycle Carrier? Alaga Yt 8048? Anyone Know How To Set It Up?

Anyone bought this bicycle carrier? alaga yt 8048? anyone know how to set it up? - bicycle carrier ...

that's the one. .... but the instructions are simple images that are fuzzy --


McG said...

OK, the picture of this relationship unclear, but the stem-mounted racks are very similar. I like to write it a revelation of the length to describe exactly how to install - it's not complicated, but I have no idea how here in the model car you want. That is in itself raises many variables.

I like going to a friendly bike shop and ask them in your car for you. Look closely. When you see how they do when they should be very clear. Pay. Ask $ 10 - $ 15, to be able to do it for you, which is very useful. Please ask - tip the person who installs $ 10 for their problems.

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