I Lost A Lot Of Weight Pictures When People Lose A Lot Of Weight, What Does Your Body Do With The Extra Skin?

When people lose a lot of weight, what does your body do with the extra skin? - i lost a lot of weight pictures

I wondered, as in "before-after" diet, no one has the bag from the skin, where they used to decreased obesity. Or if someone lost a lot of weight, you lose the skin, too?


Anonymous said...

I have seen many pictures before, after the results showed the effects of dramatic weight loss from the skin. For ads on television, the more likely that these people like a tummy tuck surgery to remove excess skin. If you do not lose many pounds and / or you are under age to drink much to get a lot of water during a diet on the elasticity of the skin, and absorb, thus minimizing contact.

Doogle said...

Flaps do for you. same problem with the elderly, they move a little and then Rinkler birth.

Debbie said...

I had a friend who lost over 150 pounds. The excess skin really up to the knees, no joke. It had to be surgically removed.

tiffytoy said...

It takes some time, but it constantly loses the skin, and finally, the skin renews itself, I am sure that the photos will be published

Bacse said...

It depends on your age when you lose the presentation. Young skin is able to recover resilliant -. The age the skin loses this spring. Take a little skin on the back of the hand, a pinch of 5 seconds, then release. If there is any evidence, had made the request, leaves or slow to return to its original position, will be dealt a significant portion of the skin.

Bacse said...

It depends on your age when you lose the presentation. Young skin is able to recover resilliant -. The age the skin loses this spring. Take a little skin on the back of the hand, a pinch of 5 seconds, then release. If there is any evidence, had made the request, leaves or slow to return to its original position, will be dealt a significant portion of the skin.

Bacse said...

It depends on your age when you lose the presentation. Young skin is able to recover resilliant -. The age the skin loses this spring. Take a little skin on the back of the hand, a pinch of 5 seconds, then release. If there is any evidence, had made the request, leaves or slow to return to its original position, will be dealt a significant portion of the skin.

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