Colon Cancer Walk What Are The Chances Of Getting Colon Cancer If No One Else In My Family Has It?

What Are The Chances Of Getting Colon Cancer If No One Else In My Family Has It? - colon cancer walk

I know this sounds a bit strange, but hear me ...
A few days ago I had a mystical eye (something like a council of oujii) and asked me how I die. He said that cancer "settlers" and in my 70th
I'm something of a hypochondriac and it made me think. Since I had) not to be concerned stomach pain (especially during the last 3 days. Today I had given pain in the lower chest area, this is my upper abdomen then the right kidney to me.
My body hurts them in the past month, (the doctor said it was the overuse of muscles play bass) will take place today, was a little worse, but I walk around town all day.
The only people in my family who have cancer, my aunt is my mother's side, ovarian cancer and my grandmother from my father who had lung cancer (and smoking for many years.) J 'have 15 years.
What are the chances of my cancer?


Panda said...

Colorectal cancer is asymptomatic until the later stages. It is a common cancer, a 15-year-old general. Some age groups prone to certain types of cancer does not always have, but enough to believe that age is a factor in determining the types of cancer you can get. Bascially cancer is a disease of older people, we hear a lot about because there are no educational materials are available to the public about the disease (such as smoking and breast cancer, received a lot of media). All this is good for seniors who need this information, but not good for the people of your age.

The most frequently encountered cancer in adolescents is usually due to higher growth (growth spurts) and hormones, so you should watch for unusual lumps or bumps anywhere on the body is located. Be especially wary of any groove, which seems to grow. The most common cancers in young people are:

1. Leukemia - blood cancer
2. Osteosarcoma - a type of bone cancer
3. Ewing's Sarcoma - a type of bone cancer
4. Hodgkin's disease - lymphaticICT (lymph nodes, thymus, spleen, adenoids, tonsils and bone marrow)
5. Non-Hodgkin's lymphatic system (lymph nodes, thymus, spleen, adenoids, tonsils and bone marrow)
6. Germ cell cancer - testicular cancer
7. Soft tissue sarcoma - cancer of the connective tissue or muscle, is the example of rhabdomyosarcoma
8. Brain tumors - often rare in adolescents, but two forms of control are astrocytomas (brain cells called astrocytes) and ependymomas (begins in the lining of the ventricles of the brain).
9. Melanoma - Skin Cancer
10. Thyroid ...

It is possible that other types of rare cancers, so that as a teenager, but the above mentioned diseases are more common and that all young people should be aware of. Each age group should be familiar with common cancers for their age. . reduces the area of over 200 different types of cancer significantly.

However, if you have any questions, please go see a doctor. A complete physical examinationand discuss concerns with your doctor.


heckenho... said...

The chances are at the age of 15 years is very low. The probabilities for the whole life - do not know.

But if you think you MysticEye are at least 40 years, until it received a medical examination. Cancer usually takes 5-15 years on the stage, where it causes symptoms to reach, so that when you shall die in the 70 it is then ... Now do not you worry!

cherrybl... said...

So my father has colon cancer and no1 was in your family or a history of cancer. I do not think this is inherited. They said they all have 2 do w / ur life. if u eat, drink, or any other application is causing the body of toxic substances 2 UR with toxic or cancer, or 2 I thought I was the stupidest thing, but it makes sense cuz my father smoked, drank and ate red meat. it might be true. u should visit the American Cancer Society. have all this information.

succubus said...

For beginners should not believe in that eye mystical shit, will be much happier if his life is not ruled by superstition

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